
March 7, 2011

dear blog...
sebenarnyer kan...
hari ni..mmg la tersangat macam haram...
because of what...
let tell the story...

first of all..
ada la group dlm fb yg i ni member of the group...
then ada post about the aurat perempuan and so on..
then..kat situ tlis la about the wearing hijab...
first..comment2 disitu biasa saje..tidak menyakit kan hati lgsung ok..
then ada la someone post kt situ..with capslock ok.
macam haram kan..!
but then..i'm telling you...
dlm group yg di buat kt fb tu...
sape je bdak2 lain yg freehair selain dripada chinese n indian..??
tell me..who..??
of cos la i'm the one right cos kt kolej ni...just 3 or 4 malay student je yg freehair..
then i pon geram la kan...
i ckp je...
geram tau x...
sgt sgt...

hello...aku x kacau hidop kau pon tau x..
suke ati ar aku nk freehair ke..botak ke...
kau susah ke wei..??
mmg la..
aku tau la perempuan wajib bertudung...
tpi ada function x if aku pki tudung..tpi hati x ikhlas..??
then pki baju sendat2...kuar ngn jantan pelok2...
bodo sgt kan..
lgi bodo kalo..on off..??
lgi la kau mengutuk aku kan...
seriously skit hati tau...dh la post dlm group...
kau igt kau tu sempurna ke..??
nak ckp org plak...
eee...geram nak matilah ngn kau..huhhhhh...
then bile dh mcm tu..pndai palk nk wall aku..sorry bagai laaa.
sorry naik lorry la der..x heran...
then x payah la kau inbox aku...nk say sorry..
kt kwn aku pon kau buat mcm tu kan..kau igt aku x tau..?
haram la kau..!!

ibu pnh ckp...
enjoy je dulu...nnti kang..kejap tudung tu lekat kt kpala...kejap x...
sbb ibu pon before kahwin x pki jugak..dh khwin n pregnant bru pki..haaa..
loike ibu..!!:)
ayah pon pnh ckp..smapi masa nnti bile ayah kate pakai tudung tu..faham2 je laa..sbb dh besar kan...
allright ayah..!!:)
sayang mereka sbb x pakse...
but ayah dh bgthu awal2..
baju mestila bersopan ye anakku..:)
ok..no problem la ayah...no miniskirt..ni shortpants...no singlet...n all about such thing...
kalo along lgi la best...
die slalu ckp...x payah paki la bie...
nnti smpai masa bru kau pakai..loike along..:)
die slalu support..luv u..:)
adik mmg la x ckp pape..but anything about her hair..she will asked me to do that...die pon dh pandai berdandan ok..hehehehe
luv adik jugakk...
kau gemok la adik...baju kau angah curi..hahahaha

n to him...die dgr ok sy merepek2..
geram ngn die...
his so understanding..loike laa..!!
thanks tau...
sy suke bile awk kate....

"sbb tu  awk xyah lyn..wt skit ati je.sbr sbr k
 x mo cry..kuatkn smgt
 jgn bg dorng down kn awk tu je..
n be a strong girl..."

watever it is...
i mmg mcm ni ok..freehair tau..u all x payah la susah2 nk nasihat kan..cos i akan dgr
my dad n mom ckp ape...
sbb bile korang ckp..nnti masuk tlinga kanan..keluar teling kiri..hehehhe
so buang air liur korang ke..
n atleast..bile i mcm ni..i x la hipokrit ngn korg..
skrg mood dh ok sbb rmai yg mendgr..ibu pon...
so sbr ok..:)
have fun la ngan mulut mereka yg berkata2 tu...